Kamis, 28 September 2017

Task : 5 Story of Adjective Phrase

Another Sky
When the weather sky affect to my mood everyday in September. When the sky change the color into the dark, and without giving the sun place to shining the world. If the dark sky began to cover the sun, darkness started cover the world. And my mood switch to be sad and I feel not on spirit. I want to see the another sky to cover the the dark sky. But at night I want to see the little star shining between the dark sky. The sky look so beautiful with shine of the star and my mood also be beautiful mood as shine of the star in between the dark sky on night. And I think the dark sky is another sky, because when I see the Sky during the day is not dark color. It look like there are a lot of another sky but a lot of people don’t know about the sky. They think all the Sky’s is same.

Arabic Coffe
You know what the something always for me if I was working on a lot of my task from my lecture every day. That’s help to keep my mind to stay calm, and when I was very tired with my task. The scent of arabic coffe to be able to bring peace on my brain. Make a nerve in my body work very well when I drink little by little. Argh my task! I always complain when I thinking about a lot of my task from my lecture. Actually, not because of the task, just the deadline of the task. It makes me feel dizzy, if in my imagination I must do my task one by one. But it’s okay, I’m fine if I do my task all night with my Arabic coffe.

Adorable Cat
 “Meong” Cat is very adorable. Can I take it to my home for my pet? I don’t know why I love cat, I think cat is animal with adorable in high level. Looks very adorable with ear cone-shaped, and also the fur cover the body very thick. The fur it was able to protect cat from the cold situation. If  my parents not forbid me to have a pet, maybe I will have one of cat for my pet in home. Ah! I think not, it maybe one or two or three cat. It if my parents allow my wish for have a cat, but since I was a child my parents prohibited me to maintain a pet. My parents think if I’m not going to maintain its very well. I’m so sad if I see cat not have a place like cats of the street. I really want to take it to my home, but I can’t. I’m very like cat because the cat is adorable animal.

American Boy
What is only American men who have it special such. Posture of high strapping, body sixpack and skin color is brown mature. They look very cool if in action film, like Vin Diesel, Dwayne, Robbert Pattinson and more. Sigh! Can I have one of them. I think if I chose one of them to be my guardian, maybe look so cool. Just in my imagination, but I was very admire American boy if their on action movies.

All Time

Time? Can you walking according by my mind? Can you back spinning if I make mistake? Do you can? I know I can’t to retuurn and repairing any mistake that I do. I regret any mistake I did with aware or not aware, when I make the mistake of involve someone else, I regret it. In fact, time goes ahead and I still can’t repairing my mistake. And now, I should do appreciate my time and make time still balance and manage effective by myself. So that my mistake in the past time not repeated. Whoever is able to set time with right and good, time will not give mistake for you. 

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